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Homework and Grading


At SRACS, our goal is to support students to be successful learners and to develop responsible time management. Students will be assigned homework on a regular basis from Monday through Thursday. Students should spend 60 minutes per day on homework and a minimum of 20 minutes per day on reading. On occasion, students will be given a project that may need to be worked on over some weekends.


  • Whiteboard in Classroom: Teachers write down the homework assignments every day in class and students are expected to transcribe the assignment in their planner.

  • Google Classroom: Teachers use Google Classroom for specific assignments.

  • Monday Homework Package: Every Monday homework packages are distributed to students.

IN CASE OF AN ABSENCE:  Absent students are required to make-up missed work. Students are allowed one day of make-up time for each day absent. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the make-up work and complete it within the specified time. Please note that not all assignments lend themselves to make-up work at home. Students are encouraged to contact their “study buddy” or find the homework posted online to keep up with the assignments while they are out of school.

“MISSING” HOMEWORK NOTICE:  Parents will be alerted if their student is missing an assignment (failed to return an assignment). This “Homework Notice” must be signed and returned the following day to the assigning teacher. As part of our homework policy, those students who fall below a “2” in one or more of the four core areas (Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies) will need to attend study hall in lieu of their electives.

HOMEWORK & VACATIONS:  It is important that students are in school every day for the best learning to occur. Valuable class time, which includes deep and complex discussion, cannot be replaced and students can quickly fall behind in the curriculum, having a negative impact on their grades. Family vacations taken during school instruction time are considered unexcused absences; truancy letters will be mailed home for excessive unexcused absences and/or absences of 3 or more days. In summary, vacations seriously interfere with a students’ education and schools lose daily attendance revenue.

Teachers are not obligated to give assignments ahead of time for students who will miss school unless a formal Independent Study Contract has been processed and signed. However, it is encouraged for families and teachers to communicate about planned absences, and any requests for assignments in advance can be fulfilled, if possible.


Standards-based Grade – 4 “Exceeding” 

Exceeds Trimester Expectations. The student is doing all assigned work, the quality of a student’s work is consistently outstanding, and the student is mastering state and district standards for the grade level. Higher-order thinking is evident, and the student demonstrates in-depth knowledge and application that go beyond what was taught. 

Standards-based Grade – 3 “Meeting” 

Meets Trimester Expectations. The student completes all assigned work. The quality of a student’s work is frequently above average, and the student is mastering state and district standards for the grade level. The student is able to complete tasks independently, without teacher support. 

Standards-based Grade – 2 “Approaching” 

Partially Meets Trimester Expectations. The student completes most of the assigned work. The quality of a student’s work is generally satisfactory, and the student is mastering and/or making significant progress towards mastering state and district standards for the grade level. The student needed guidance or support in order to complete the task. 

Standards-based Grade – 1 “Emerging” 

Does Not Meet Trimester Expectations. The quality of student’s work is frequently below average, and the student is having difficulty mastering state and district standards for the grade level. The student is not completing most of the assigned work. The student made a minimal effort or little learning evident. The student was unable to complete tasks independently. 

N/A—Not Assessed at the time 

*Note: some work is graded using various point rubrics that do not necessarily align with these grade scales. In these cases, grades will be assigned separately. 


We will accept late work; however, there will be a grade penalty, unless you have an excused absence. With excused absences, students will receive as many days as they were gone to complete the work. All late assignments will be marked at 2 or below. 

  • It is the student’s responsibility to remember what assignments remain outstanding 

  • If students are missing more than 3 assignments they will be asked to complete missing work during the enrichment period and/or elective period in the school day. 

  • All classwork & homework is assigned to help students learn and practice the lessons taught. When homework isn’t completed, the students are then behind for the next day’s lesson.